In this tutorial series I would like to share my knowledge about OpenGL 4.0+ and OpenGL Shading Language 4.0+ because there is little information about this topic on the Internet (especially in “Polish” Internet). Therefore, for everyone who is interested in this technology, I would like to facilitate knowing this library. For those, who know OpenGL, but in a lower than 2.0 version I would like to help transit to the higher version.

Why OpenGL? I’ve chosen this technology because it is the number one library that is used to create games on mobile platforms (Android, iOS) and it is quite easy to understand and learn. Thanks to OpenGL and knowledge that I will share with you, you will be able to do literally everything in 3D worlds - the only limitation is your imagination.

In this course I will be using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express as a programming environment, which is free to use and download and in my humble opinion it is very good for C++ development. If you don’t have this program, you can download it from this site.

I will try to separate each part of this course from each other because sometimes not everybody has time and willingness to go through the whole course to get to know just one thing that interests this particular person. I will try to write the code as easy as possible to be easily understood by everybody.

Additionally, to every part of this course I will include the code, which everybody may download because sometimes I would not write every line of the code in a tutorial. If somebody would like to upload my code somewhere, please add a note with information who is the author of this code and from where it was downloaded.

That’s all :) I would like to invite you to the next tutorial (which will appear soon, I hope), in which we will configure Visual Studio and create our first OpenGL’s window! :D If you find any error in this course, please e-mail me or write a comment below.