I would like to announce that on my GitHub account there is a new project called Vertextracer!

This is a typical raytracer, for which I was preparing to write a longer time, but paid off, because it was a very enlightening experience - I have deepen my knowledge about Computer Graphics. In my opinion (after the experience with raytracer and OpenGL renderer) I consider that everyone who starts his adventure with Computer Graphics, should start from programming the raytracer.

"Vertextracer - sample render"

Link to the project can be found in the Projects page. You can download the source, compile it yourself and try it out. As for the Vertextracer it has the following features:

  • Loading scenes from a file
  • Support for multiple sources of light (directional, point)
  • Rendering shadows
  • Support for various materials (opaque, transparent, refractive)
  • Load the textures and models
  • Texture filtering (by default the nearest filtering, bilinear filtering)
  • Rendering the colors of the sky (Atmospheric Scattering)
  • Anti-aliasing (adaptive, stochastic, FXAA)
  • Multithreading

I would also point out that this is not my main project and I will not be held unless I have to. However, I encourage you to report important bug fixes and new features. If it will be a lot of interest in the future, I will write a tutorial about how to create a raytracer from scratch.